How we stumbled upon these little-known “parenting  secrets” to stopping misbehavior
and raising a self-confident, healthy and genuinely happy child.

How The Happy Child Guide came to life…
Hi!   My name is Ashley Ryan.  Years ago something unexpected happened.  While I was pregnant, and I sat down at a table in a coffee shop next to an interesting gentleman. We struck up a conversation and he told me that he is a lecturer on child development and is trained in ‘aware parenting’.
I was intrigued and as I love to learn, I questioned him further.  After some talking, he told me that he used to run a daycare for children with behavioral problems and that he was currently finishing his Phd in child developmental behavioral.  He recommended I read some books that he felt was important to raising emotionally healthy children, and how to communicate with kids so that they cooperate instead of being stubborn.
Needless to say, I began to do some research…
And what I discovered shocked us!
I shared my discoveries with one of my partner, Dr. Blaise Ryan, who was busy in his final year of traditional Chinese medical studies. After spending many hours reading and discussing these new parenting methods, we decided to try them out with not only our own child, but also with the children we interacted with.
We were amazed with the results.  Children who had been defiant, unfocussed, worried, stressed or exhibiting anti-social behaviors became more relaxed, connected, focused, calm, interactive, cooperative and communicative, after using these techniques.
You know, many people ask us if we communicated with kids like this all the time, and the truth is NO!  In fact, before we discovered this information, we would probably have yelled at our child to try to get them to cooperate.  In fact, prior to learning these tactics, we were both kindergarten teachers – and the discipline methods we used ‘then’ were much different than what we use ‘now’.  Thankfully we discovered a different approach based on some very sound biological evidence.
Now our child is very cooperative. We never have to raise our voice or get into arguments. Sure he tests us, just as any healthy child should. But the difference is that now, we know HOW TO respond to his behavior. I only need to ask him to do something once, and 9 times out of 10 he’ll do it without another word. And for that one out of ten times where he gets distracted, or defiant, or upset, I now know how to respond to getting him to behave again.
And it’s so simple! It’s based on the simple principles of connection, respect and trust. Once your child has these principles firmly rooted into their habits of behavior, then they will listen to you every time.
When we stumbled upon the information in The Happy Child Guide we were thrilled with the results these had with our child!
But… our excitement soon turned to concern.  We soon discovered that most parents didn’t know the parenting methods we used to avoid misbehavior.  In fact, we were surprised to learn that most parents were wearing themselves out by trying to be a ‘supermom’ or ‘superdad’.  And whenever their child misbehaved, they would lose it!  And the child would often lose it to!  Tantrums, fights, screaming, defiance, back-talk, and even swearing and raging were problems that many parents didn’t know how to deal with.
But we did.
So, we decided to write a guide designed to help parents raise happier and healthier children.  Our theory is that if parents can learn to raise healthy and happy kids, then all children will grow up in a more peaceful, healthy and balanced world.  After all, what more could a parent ask for?
So we devoted our time and energy into making sure that the guide had the steps that would give you apparent results with your child as fast as possible.  We wanted to make sure the guide was complete to give you each piece that you need to raise a Whole Child.  A child who is self-confident, cooperative and healthy.
After years of collaboration, research, and writing, we’ve put these principles into an easy to follow “Guide” to help you be the best parent you can be.
The Happy Child Guide is exactly that…
…The GUIDE to raising a HAPPY, confident, and smart shild
We’ve also authored the groundbreaking natural health based ADD & ADHD program: 123ADDfree – the 3 step system to overcoming ADD & ADHD symptoms without drugs.  The 2010 ADD-ADHD drug guide hotlist, and many other reports.
I’m also a recognized Parenting Coach, International Web Publisher, Performance Artist, and I’m the Faculty Dean at Parent Learning Club.
Dr. Blaise Ryan is a world renown Natural Medicine Doctor, Child Behavior Researcher & he is the Chief Medical Researcher at Child Brain Health Research Institute.
Together we have had dozens of parenting articles published on over 300 websites around the world. Over the years we’ve also interviewed dozens of the world’s most famous and knowledgeable parenting authors and child behavioral experts.  You may have also heard us as guest speakers on various radio shows throughout the country.

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