Weekends are to make us a brake to the rush to work, to be more family time, find friends, take walks, share meals, relax and enjoy, even if only two days. Without having to ask permission, autumn invades many places in the world. This beautiful station you can get good ideas of fun activities to do with our hijos.Antes get cooler, we enjoy the most entertaining temperatures fall. And there is no place more conducive than nature itself to play to learn with children, appreciate, and experiment with them all that fall, offer us from its flavors, colors, until their textures and scents. Depending on where you live, sure that at some point you've felt the smell of roast chestnuts. Humm... is autumn that arrives with your bags! El otoño y los niños An outlet to the field comes very well for this time of year. You want to follow us in this journey to the treasures of autumn, welcome! Here I leave with you some ideas to do with the little ones:

-Collect dry leaves, sort them according to the design that have, collect them, and then at home, Mount paintings, collages or a candlestick and a bouquet of flowers in autumn you can learn to make them step by step in our section of crafts;

-Go in search of mushrooms. Ye must take care to play them. Never so without the guidance and supervision of a person who knows which mushrooms you can meet and which don't. Yet children may compare mushrooms according to its size, its shape, texture, color, etc.Once at home and in the kitchen you can prepare with the edible mushroom scrambled good mushrooms or mushrooms in garlic sauce. It makes me mouth water!

-Gather pineapples falling from pine trees.With them can be decorations for the center of the table, even for Christmas that us closer.We can paint colors, or batter in purpurinas and hanging on the Christmas tree.

-With chestnuts, apart from roasting them, we can use them in the preparation of cakes, pies, etc.

Already at home also can continue to enjoy the autumn riding costumes for Halloween with leaves that ye have collected, reading poems and
stories related to the station, drawing which ye have seen in the field, etc.

Vilma Medina.GuiaInfantil.com editor