I'm sure many of us have experienced a kid having a tantrum. Any of our own, grandson or friends. In all these cases, there is often something that caused it.

Here are some of the triggers:-

frustration, anger, hunger, fatigue, discomfort, manipulate parents buy them something and to seek attention. Understanding your child and what sets it out and you will be able to better manage your event.

Tantrums are equal with blown fuse. Usually displayed, screaming, shouting, head of the queue spanking and threw himself on the floor. It is not uncommon for some children to show signs of destruction, which they can harm yourself poorly, if not watched.

Tantrums are most likely to occur within 1-3 years (thus horrific 2 's) but have been known to occur in some four years I have witnessed in adolescents as well. They indicate the expression of desperation most frequently occur when the children's linguistic skills are not fully matured and they cannot express yourself clearly. How to develop children they want to make decisions independently, but are having problems transporting yourself properly.

Some ideas that can help manage tantrum episode:-

To stop them from having a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket is ignore events. Get away from the situation, to go to another island, keeping a close eye on him at all times. As soon as he realizes that they soon stop crying and start looking for you.You need to comfort them, get on your knees and Visual contact, feel free to talk without yelling.All the kids want to be spoken to love and live, no matter how old. Shout will only get worse, so stay calm, you are grownups here.Teach children how to act and behave in such a way that Another way of handling acceptable. tantrum is to change the focus by diverting their attention to something else."Hey, look at this bird in the window.Moving your thoughts in the other direction would calm situation. Try not to reward a tantrum, providing requirements if they want cookies before dinner and you have said no to reward their behavior, enabling them to have one, just so they would stop.Do this and you're teaching them that if they act in this way they will get what they want from you or guardian.

It's not bad when the child has a tantrum for parents is part of their progress in the end, the children will grow up from this stage in life they will learn how to better communicate and understand language Situation becomes less frustration, he will learn to understand better and it helps them assess any problem and solve it maturely.

Mother of nine children and Aunty. I am not an expert on tantrums and children, but they have a few ideas that have helped me with my daughter, I also started a new blog for parents and children. tips for tantrums, events, Internet security, security for children, morning sickness and more being added all the time.
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