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Kids have a sixth sense about how to push our buttons. They can ferret out one thing, which is the most annoying and frustrating us and never give. And the best part, they suddenly become fully protected against the tactics of disciplines which perfectly working day! No child is just like the following, and no two days are either.If we don't have in our toolbox that is loaded with ideas in advance we can quickly find themselves at the end of our rope. Let me offer a few ideas and some resources to help you build the supply of contingency plans.

Divert attention And redirect
Kids have limited understanding of their world. They don't always remember what they said about limits. Perhaps more precisely, sometimes they just can't handle the temptation to go for it! Often the most effective form of learning (discipline) is redirected to divert their attention. Find them, toy or game they really like and put them in front of you. They will cry and complain about not allowed to dabble in water bowl cat? Yes.But if you can help them get excited about a new game they forget about it in seconds.Yes, that is to take energy and patience you might need to redirect several times before you find a distraction that works. I found that entering your enthusiasm in any new proposal (using excited voice, laughing, dancing and clapping etc) will peak their interest. Sometimes my daughter can't help imagine it just must know that Mama so stinkin' excited about!

Make its ability to help
Every child has the need to belong and persist in the family.Helps them feel actors can help them feel more responsible and more self-sufficient.Even a little work like trying to get everything at the door and into the car can be an opportunity to help make sure you child is that they are responsible for, and they can become more interested in collaborating in the first place. they Help to wash lettuce for a salad? If they carry them sippy cups and snack baggie in the car? How about allowing them to configure their favorite toy with a blanket on the couch, so they can "CPA" until the child gets? The littlest ideas can help to bring them into force you need to do and make them more willing to help.

Make it a game
This tool works in tandem the above proposals or on its own.Try to challenge you child to pick as many toys as much as possible before you count to ten.Or how about a racing car door (safely, of course!) to do what you want to achieve in this game makes it more fun for everyone, even you.Just make sure you have the chance to win a toddler from time to time, Dad!