Aged 1 to 3 years is a time when you can start a toddler behavior problems. When toddlers often tantrums are often either hungry, tired or teething. They may also be feeling very frustrated because of their limited language skills: The last thing you want to do is to encourage tantrums because they can be very stressful and embarrassing for MOM or dad.
Here are six tips that will help you to stop your baby tantrums.
1: If your toddler shopping, make sure you take your favorite snacks, but not often playing with a toy or to distract them.
2: Watch for a child, so you know when they are building to tantrum you incrementally with appetizers or toys before they are delivered to the full blown tantrum.
3: If you are out in public places, be prepared to abandon shopping carts, where he is to go home or place of the public eye, so your child can scream and get over a tantrum.
4: the House, the time-out is great to have a safe place until your child is calm again
5: don't try to appease them during a tantrum because this way, you are rewarded for their bahavior, you don't want to repeat.
6: when your child becomes calm again, then its time to give them a hug and say to them that such behaviour is unacceptable.
If you use my 6 tips, you will find that the smaller number of tantrums, your child.
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