There is nothing more frustrating for a parent than toddler tantrums. Tantrums, so tedious to manage and uncomfortable when preformed in public places. When the child starts to boil only temperament that most parents are thinking about getting it to stop and QUICK. It can be very useful to know beforehand that these tantrums, especially of young children usually do not have to do with the rebellion. These embarrassing suits have more to do with the fact that the children had no brain handle strong emotions as the frustration and anger. The only thing they know with these feelings is to let them all out. So what can you do if your child has a break down?

1) Reassure yourself first

You can better handle the situation if there as calm as possible.If both of you give in to temper tantrums, battle of wills will continue to grow.Make sure your child is physically secure, and then take a few moments to walk away if you can't leave, like when you're in public places, try closing your eyes and breathe deeply. Yes, I know it feels in a thorough examination of the scene, but it's better to pause for a few seconds to recover your composure than to get into shouting matches you baby!

2) security and damage control

The safety of your child and all the rest, this is the first thing you should look at.You may need to move your child in a safe place or in a private corner also realize all nearby objects that child can fall into the hands during their tantrum. it may be tempted to throw things to express their dissatisfaction. Try to make these adjustments, calmly and, preferably, in silence. Often just speak in agony temper tantrum can be fuel for the fire.

3) does not try to "fix" it or coaxial In awards

This is not the time to give, regardless of how embarrassing this behavior might be. If you decide to give and offer them the disputed item are you can try to stop teaching them that tantrums, the key to getting what they want. It is time to stand firm in your original decision. Remain calm and gentle as possible but still firmly until they can soothe yourself.

4) doesn't get removed In

Remember that children are not quite able to control their emotional impulses until much later.Some studies have shown that it is not up to the age of 20, that our brain is fully capable of emotional restraint.Try understanding rather than angry about intense emotional battles.But don't forget to them that this behavior is not going to get them what they want.If you Try to leave the House and they are safe.Keep your business until they regain their composure then you can engage in more detail.