Like many women, I also have my work away from home, I am a housewife, wife and mother. But I have always been clear that to be all that, I I must be me, I have to have time, even if some minutes to dedicate myself, to read a book, to do gymnastics, chatting with my friends... For this reason, I believe that in what refers to the household chores both her husband and children can and should participar.No can be everything to 100 per cent, although there are situations and circumstances that often force us to do so. What I mean is that children, and not just girls, we must educate them to participate also in the work from home, from the earliest age, to be accustomed to that in a House we also have responsibilities and commitments to comply. Colaboración de los niños en las tareas del hogar Small commissions or chores take care the children make a big difference in family harmony. It is not the same that each dive in their own interests and that only one meets his duties, which all do everything. We receive many emails from mothers who dream to play without hurry with your children, apart from sleep one day late, or on reading a book, go shopping, go to the cinema, etc. There are maternity resembling a prison, huh? I think that a child comes to join and not subtract. Why I believe that our children's education must include the care of the House. Then that if we should lose nights sleep for them, of course, that we lose. This is part of our task of mother.

What do to make the children work together at home? First, let them see that we are a team, which do or do not do it that affect everyone. In short, not to the hotel and Yes to home. What you can do your only son, that is periodic and supervised. Orders are not to relieve the burden on parents not to exploit leisure children, are to make them more strength to face life.So here are some activities that can be performed by children according to age and capabilities that have:

-Make your bed
-Sort your room;collect clothes, toys...
-Advise on whether any clothing you need settlement
-If you eat outside of family time, collect dirt
-Switch off lights when not needed
-Collect all objects that have been caught.CD, DVD, magazines
-Put and remove table
-Take out the trash
-Wash and care for plants
-Answering the phone
-Care for and feed your pet
-Collect the mail
-Go to dad to recycle trash
- And all that you believe that your child is able to and does not offer health risks.
A positive motivation toward your child is very important.You will encourage you to continue working.

Vilma editor