Some kids even some older children throw a fit, while some children do not. If you are blessed with a child who did not throw the baby tantrums or tantrums, then you are very lucky, and you must count your blessings. For the rest of us this really helps to solve the problem when you know exactly why your kids threw the temper tantrums.
Temper tantrum WebMD defines as "unplanned, involuntary expression of anger, often with manifestations of physical and verbal. is not an act of getting attention, as is commonly thought."
Temper tantrum basically means your child is frustrated.Their discontent can be the result of several things, but ultimately your child's anger and frustration that they do not know how to react to situations, so they begin to cry, whining, screaming and throwing their arms and legs around. Not the ideal way to solve this problem, and your child doesn't know better, which explains why getting angry at them does not resolve the situation.
Frustration can be physical, as when they are hungry or thirsty. mental Frustration can be like when they can't learn something or they have problems learning skills or accomplish a task.Toddler tantrums are almost always occur when you tell your kid No. they cannot handle, they say no, so they throw their temper tantrums.
If the toddler tantrums are wrong, your child will begin to use them in your interests while there is no fool-proof control and stop them, they are a lot of things that can help.
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